About us

Exploradores de café

The name Exploradores de Café arises from our passion for exploring the Mexican mountains to pursue extraordinary coffees. We seek passionate coffee growers who maintain consistency in their quality, who constantly experiment to discover hidden flavors within the coffee bean, and whose practices are environmentally responsible and community-minded.

Our Vision 

Our vision is to fuel passion in coffee consumers in order to achieve sustain-ability in coffee farming.

  • Our mission as a company is to achieve a symbiosis between the coffee producer and the end consumer, based on enhancing the quality of life for both parties.

  • Creativity: We are creative problem solvers who do not hesitate to take calculated risks.

    Science-Backed: We rely on science with technology as its vehicle,

    Convenient: We strive to be user-friendly so we can efficiently communicate core value

    Professionalism: We prioritize professionalism in our team members to honor the value chain.

    Environmentally Respectful: We are mindful of the impact of agronomic products on the soil, flora, and fauna and work in a longer vision to minimize its impact

    Social Responsible: We believe in the power of coffee as an economic driver for rural producing communities in our country.

  • Although Exploradores de Café formally started in 2016, coffee has run in our veins since we were born. Antonio’s family owned a coffee farm in Atoyac, Guerrero in the 1920s, which was sold 90 years later. Coffee has always been an important part of our family’s reunions until it became our whole life. We opened a coffeeshop in Santa Fé, Mexico City. At the same time, we started sourcing and roasting coffee and distributing espresso machines and grinders. Over time, we became an essential one stop shop for home baristas, coffee entrepreneurs and the HoReCa sector. We understand the struggle of being a farming family and for that reason we are always looking for strategies to improve the coffee farming communities and communicate their stories and what constitutes the quality of coffee.

Specialty coffee for us.

Technically Specialty coffee should both have fewer than 5 secondary defects and 0 primary defects and a cupping score equal to or greater than 80 points. However, we believe that this definition falls short of truly explaining the commitment we offer. The environmental and social repercussions from the coffee industry are fundamental. We believe in four fundamental concepts that go beyond specialty.

  1. Transparent Coffee Flavor

    When it comes to flavor, coffee should be able to tell you about its genetics, the care taken by those who transformed it, and the land where it grew.

  2. Communication and Support for Farmers

    In terms of our relationship with the producer, there should be not only direct communication with the producer but a symbiosis, involving constant communication and the contribution of knowledge and resources to grow together. We seek long-term relationships that transcend both good and bad harvests. When we purchase coffee, it's not based on its cupping score; rather, it's a consideration of the producer's dreams and their ability to achieve them. We support producers with prepayments, co-investing in equipment and infrastructure, and giving them practical advice based on science.

  3. Boots on the Ground

    In terms of traceability, it is not enough for us to merely mention the country, region, or farm. We believe it is essential to physically know the plot from which our beans originate. Walking the fields, exploring the mountains, experiencing the weather, ensuring process safety, and, above all, getting to know the people who work there.

  4. Active Responsibility

    Another important issue is the responsibility that members of the coffee production chain have towards the environment and society. As economists, we know that coffee grows in the areas with the highest poverty statistics in Mexico. We believe that well-paid high-quality coffee should be a vehicle for the economic development of producing communities. We aim for the coffee producers we work with to care for and work in synergy with their environment, returning nutrients to the soil and adding value to our ecosystem. We actively monitor the use of fertilizer, hygiene throughout the process, the use of water, and the preservation of the native flora and fauna.