Pocitos by Carlos Cadena (Natural Mundo Maya)

from $128.00

Red Fruit modern processed coffee great than transforms to strawberry yogurt with milk. As black coffee, it is scandalous because of its process but does not appear over-processed.

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Red Fruit modern processed coffee great than transforms to strawberry yogurt with milk. As black coffee, it is scandalous because of its process but does not appear over-processed.

You can find more information about the coffee below

Red Fruit modern processed coffee great than transforms to strawberry yogurt with milk. As black coffee, it is scandalous because of its process but does not appear over-processed.

You can find more information about the coffee below

  • Finca Pocitos is located in the center of the state of Veracruz in a mountain range area at 1,350 masl or 4,430 fasl.

    The name of the farm is Pocitos which translates to Little Well and it refers to an specific natural attraction among the coffee trees. You cant step on a hanging tree and feel at the edge of a cliff with the abyss beneath.

  • Carlos Cadena Carlos comes from a long coffee farmer lineage. He is the first in his family to experiment with processes. He started with a lot of passion on a trial and error system and with the help of his friends at La Joya he has added a scientific backing to his experiments.

    During Cup of Excellence Mexico 2023 Carlos won the 3rd place with a score above 90 points. He continues to innovate creating his own fermentation tanks.

  • The variety of this coffee is Mundo Maya a F1 Hybrid between a Ethiopian Heirloom and a Sarchimor that has great productivity as well as excellent quality cup.

    F1 Hybrids are created by crossing genetically distinct parents. According to World Coffee Research “The offspring of the cross are first-generation (F1) hybrids. F1 hybrids are notable because they tend to have significantly higher production than non-hybrids, while maintaining high cup quality and disease resistance.”

    The coffee trees have an average age of 8 years being at their best moment.

  • Pickers select riped cherry the receive an anaerobic fermentation for 100 hours inside a sealed tank. The coffee is later dried in african beds for 25 days. The coffee rest for 65 days as stabilization period.

  • We find this coffee red fruit forward with fresh cherries, cranberries and lemonade when roasted light, cherry caramel at a medium roast and cherry cookie with dark chocolate when roasted darker.